Building Entry and Control Tactics Combined for 21st Century Policing

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Capacity: 25 - Available: 22
Date: Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Ends On: Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Registration Deadline: Monday, March 3, 2025
Time: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Instructor Location:
Carlinville Police Department
225 N. Broad Street
Carlinville, IL
Instructor: Jason Laferriere � Owner/Founder � Conceptual Guardians Systems Inc
Member's Fee: $0
Non-Member & Civilian Fee: $0
This course will cover building entry and control tactics, combined together to show Officers safer ways to clear buildings and how to more effectively deal with compliant and non-compliant subjects encountered during building entry. Officers will learn how to non-compliantly handcuff a subject on the ground without placing a knee on the subjects back, reducing the chance for positional asphyxia. Officers will also learn how to non-compliantly handcuff a subject in a standing position that allows the Officer to quickly move a subject out of a zone of concern. Officers will learn concepts related to building entry that will allow them to safely clear any building on the planet using two easy to learn concepts. Officers will also learn hallway and stairway clearing tactics. This course is related to single Officer/two Officer call for service response and team tactics related to search/arrest warrants and active shooter response.STUDENTS TO BRING THE FOLLOWINGBody armor, duty handgun and long gun, duty belt with handcuffs and flashlight