Virtual Training Video Policy
Implementation of “Live Video” Training Policy
The “LIVE VIDEO” format for training classes provides a convenient method for the presentation of training on several topics, without compromising the quality of the training, when compared to in-person classes. Participation in LIVE VIDEO classes can be accomplished from almost any location. It does require a device capable of audio and video participation along with the ability to connect with the “Zoom Meetings” service via the internet. Individuals wishing to participate in these classes must still register for the class through the MTU 9 website. We must have attendee information as we email the necessary documents to record attendance, evaluation, and student handouts, prior to the class. Participants in the class must participate with both video and audio activated on their device. MTU 9 personnel will monitor each class to verify full participation prior to recording credit for the training and issuing certificates.
Adopted this Date: JUNE 21, 2022