Understanding the Eight Levels of Supervisory Engagement
Registration Deadline: Tuesday, April 22, 2025
Time: 12:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Town & Country Inn & Suites - Embassy Room
Quincy, IL
Member's Fee: $0
Non-Member & Civilian Fee: $0
A fundamental truth of organizations, including law enforcement agencies, is that underperforming, and problem employees exist. When the underperforming or problem employee is a supervisor, the need for the organization to respond is elevated. This is true even when supervisors are merely ineffective, as ineffective supervisors foster a less effective workforce. However, the impact on the agency is even worse when the supervisors do not support the organization’s values, goals, and strategies. With these supervisors the need for the organization to respond becomes essential, as such supervisors can crush the organization’s ability to meet its mission.
Effectively addressing problematic and deficient supervisors is advanced with an understanding of the Eight Levels of Supervisory Engagement. These eight levels are identified by considering three key variables: (1) the level of technical knowledge and tactical skill; (2) the willingness of the supervisor to direct subordinates and proactively address performance issues; and (3) whether and the level to which the supervisor has come to reject (deviate) from the organization’s values, goals, and strategies.