High Risk Vehicle Stops: Instructor Train the Trainer

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Capacity: 20 - Available: 20
Date: Monday, July 21, 2025
Ends On: Tuesday, July 22, 2025
Registration Deadline: Tuesday, July 8, 2025
Time: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Instructor Location:
Jacksonville Regional Training Center
940 Hoagland Road
Jacksonville, IL 62650
Instructor: John Duke � Gulf Shores, AL, Police Department
Lieutenant James Mason, Fairview Heights Police Department and
Illinois Master Active Threat Instructor

Member's Fee: $0
Non-Member & Civilian Fee: $475
This is a fast-paced two-day program taught by subject matter experts and is designed to develop High Risk Vehicle Stop Instructors for Illinois law enforcement. The program is a combination of classroom instruction, field demonstrations, and exercises that include mock instruction performed by participants. The classroom portion begins with the history of high-risk vehicle stop tactics starting with the infamous Newall, California case in April 1970. It continues with the evolution of HRVS tactics, culminating with the newest and most tactically sound options. Graduates from this program will be able to instruct other Illinois police officers in sound high risk vehicle stop tactics. Having graduates of this program will allow agencies to meet the recently enacted HRVS training mandate for every sworn officer in the state. Each participant will be provided with the PowerPoint deck needed to teach HRVS.OFFICERS WILL BE QUALIFIED TO DEMONSTRATE AND DELIVER PRACTICALMAXIMUM 20 STUDENTS