Would You Like to Contact ILETSB Directly?
8/11/2017 10:56:00 AMIt is Director Fischer’s hope that this direct contact with his office will help eliminate the “rumor mill” and will help facilitate open and effective communication between the Board office and the law enforcement community across the State of Illinois.
You may use this form to ask Director Fischer a question, obtain clarification on a Board-related topic, express a concern, or submit a request. All submissions will go straight to the Director’s office, and you will receive an accurate response, in a timely manner.
Any agency-specific questions will be answered privately. However, if a general question is asked, and the answer may be beneficial to other agencies using this site, the response will be sent to the individual asking the question, and also posted as an announcement on the front page.
Please note that any submission which constitutes a FOIA request will be treated as such, and the response will come from our FOIA Officer within 5 business days.
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