Basic Firearms Instructor Course

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Capacity: 12 - Available: 12
Date: Monday, September 15, 2025
Ends On: Friday, September 19, 2025
Registration Deadline: Monday, September 1, 2025
Time: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Instructor Location:
Jacksonville Regional Training Center
940 Hoagland Road
Jacksonville, IL 62650
Instructor: Chad Moore and Jarrett Davidson - Illinois Master Active Threat Instructors
Member's Fee: $0
Non-Member & Civilian Fee: $350
PREREQUISITESParticipants must be sworn Police Officer and maintain an annual shooting score of 80% - 90 % accuracy.PURPOSE OF THE COURSEThis course is designed to offer the prospective instructor a concise training opportunity that will fulfill the requirements to obtain their Basic Firearms Instructor certification. Upon successful completion of this course, the instructor will be able to return to their agency and provide its officers with the basic safety and fundamentals of shooting pistols, rifles, and shotguns.COURSE OVERVIEWIn this forty-hour course, students will receive instruction and information necessary to the understanding of how to become a Firearms Instructor. This course will include familiarization of a variety of firearms, to include care and maintenance and the skills necessary to function as a Law Enforcement Firearms Instructor. The course also provides students with teaching techniques as well as identifying and resolving shooting problems and errors. The course involves student teach backs, pistol qualification, rifle qualification and a Firearms Instructor written examination. STUDENTS MUST BRING1. Note taking gear2. Duty Belt3. Pistol with 3 magazines4. Rifle with sling and with 3 magazines5. 12 Gauge Shotgun6. Flashlight7. Clothing suitable for training in all weather8. Eye and ear protection9. 500 rounds of factory pistol ammunition10. 500 rounds of factory rifle ammunition11. 25 rounds of trap12. 25 rounds of factory 12-gauge slug ammunitionCOURSE GOALS� Display clear communication and information delivery skills.� Identify problem shooters for specific correction.� Perform foundational skills for pistol, rifle, and shotgun.� Apply performance-based training methods.� Conduct skills assessment and deliberate feedback.� Demonstrate knowledge of Illinois Use of Force law and its application.